Sep 12Liked by Jacob Rees-Mogg

So happy to see you on here, Jacob! I am a long time admirer of yours, although I do not always agree with your politics but I have a great repect for the ethics you constantly display in your public life. You represent many of the great things about 'Britishness' and even though we are from completely different backgrounds I feel a kinship with you towards our wonderful country. God Bless you and I look forward to hearing more from you. You are a true British Gentleman.

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Thank you so much, you are very kind.

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An excellent pity synopsis and overview as you see it Jacob! . I look forward to your journey on Substack through your unique lens as it were. I look forward to your weekly patriotic letters on here. All my continued best wishes to yourself Margaret and the family.

God bless and cheers to the finest Somerset Cider.

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A good read Jacob. I think your observations are correct and I share them. The problem I have is that so much of this was visited upon us, either explicitly or implicitly, by a Conservative government! My level of frustration and disappointment with the Conservatives is enormous. Labour are awful and I fully expect them to be and so they are. Where, globally, is the message of sound money and limited government getting through and gaining momentum? All I see is one version of a big state, or another, worse version of a big state. I hope this can be challenged and people convinced of the need to reduce the size of the state.

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Sep 12Liked by Jacob Rees-Mogg

Great article JRM 😁 good read. Was so upset when I saw that you lost your seat on election day, but at least you now have another way to speak to your supporters on here

While I'd love to see you at Reform one day, I respect you for sticking with the Conservatives, better than many MPs who decided to betray the nation and join Labour

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Thank you so much.

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Sep 13Liked by Jacob Rees-Mogg

I am very much looking forward to this Substack.

Please share some of the books that form your library!

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Sep 13Liked by Jacob Rees-Mogg

Welcome to Substack, Jacob! I was excited to find out you are here. I might be your biggest fan in Texas.

I will add to your post that many of the migrants are NOT the best and the brightest. Here in the U. S. we are having horrific problems with criminal gangs that have opened up operations here, thanks to Biden-Harris letting them right on in.

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Thank you so much for subscribing.

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Sep 16Liked by Jacob Rees-Mogg

Congratulations on your new blog. I don’t necessarily agree with you about everything (I’m not a social conservative) but I have always admired your respect for the UK Constitution, your oratory and your (non-religious) moral clarity.

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Thank you.

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I am a brazilian living in Brazil and I have learned a lot from watching some of your speeches in the House of Commons. It will be a pleasure to continue to learn about your ideas, now in writing.

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It is with Honour and the greatest of pleasure I join your remarkable podcast. You bring a insight of joy and release to the tension that undoubtedly hampers the routes to true freedom of speech and true democracy


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Who can but prophesy indeed. I await the next post keenly.

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Would I be right is assuming that you are now more free to speak, not being a member of the Government?

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